Attn. Hendrix students, faculty, and staff: Are you interested in becoming part of a virtual community focused on chronicling your experiences during this pandemic? Contact Dr. Jaudon ( if you are interested in participating.
almost 5 years ago, Shelbey Winningham
Journal Invitation
Happy Monday! We at Murphy know that this is an anxiety-inducing time and that social distancing can be lonely. However, we want to assure you that we’re still working to provide resources and sustain our literary and language community. Over the coming days and weeks, we’ll be posting some opportunities for engagement. We hope to help you find comfort and peace of mind through literature and language in this stressful time.
almost 5 years ago, Shelbey Winningham
April 1 is the deadline for literature and language projects, and being home-bound is a great time to work on a proposal. Note that summer travel may not be possible. For further details and a full advisory, see the Proposals section of
almost 5 years ago, Hendrix-Murphy
The public lecture by Daína Chaviano, set for Tuesday, March 17, 2020, and all related special events, have been cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns. We hope to reschedule for sometime next year.
almost 5 years ago, Hendrix-Murphy
"4-H: Hendrix-Grown Theatre," a playwriting showcase, is still on! 7:30 in Cabe Theatre. In times like these, words, dramatic literature, and storytelling are a way we can cope and prevail—so come out and support these campus playwrights.
almost 5 years ago, Hendrix-Murphy
4H flier
Anushka's talk today, the last for a while, was a reminder of how meaningful it is to gather as a community of literature and language lovers. It also bore witness to the vital learning experience of travel abroad. Hendrix-Murphy is committed to resuming both as soon as we can!
almost 5 years ago, Hendrix-Murphy
describing Spain
learning outcomes
Please see President Arnold's letter to the Hendrix community regarding college operations in light of COVID-19:
almost 5 years ago, Hendrix-Murphy
In the midst of somber news, we had a little fun today celebrating the launch of a new website powered by Apptegy. Check it out at You can also download the HendrixMurphy app to stay up-to-date with our events.
almost 5 years ago, Hendrix-Murphy
Student workers at launch party
Ready for the reveal
The AFTLA Language & Culture Bowl, which was to take place this Saturday at Hendrix, has been postponed due to concerns about the Coronavirus. Organizers hope to reschedule at a later date. Many thanks to all who had volunteered.
almost 5 years ago, Hope Coulter
Are you curious about the English major or minor, or about what courses will be offered in English next year? Come to the informational meeting next Tuesday during convo period to learn more.
almost 5 years ago, Hope Coulter
English Majors Meeting flier
RSVP to by noon on Thursday for this week's LLOL. Murphy Scholar Anushka Yadava will be leading "Language Immersion in a Healthcare Setting: My Atlantis Fellowship in Spain." We hope to see you there!
almost 5 years ago, Shelbey Winningham
yadava flyer
Swing by the Murphy House next Wednesday (March 11) at 4:15 to hear a professor from Reed College talk about the ways reading shaped Soviet Jewish identity and culture.
almost 5 years ago, Shelbey Winningham
Grinberg Flyer
Getting excited about playwright Naomi Wallace's visit to campus? Check out this list of book recommendations handpicked by Wallace herself!
almost 5 years ago, Shelbey Winningham
Wallace book recs
Looking to submit some of your writing to contests or for publication? Check out these two opportunities! Deadline to submit to both is March 15th. Good luck!
almost 5 years ago, Shelbey Winningham
cave submit
Are you interested in joining the Arkansas Teacher Corps? The deadline to apply is coming up on March 1st. For more info, visit or email
almost 5 years ago, Shelbey Winningham
arkansas teacher corp logo
RSVP to by noon on Thurs. for this week's LLOL. Felipe Pruneda-Senties & Writing Associates will be leading "The Body in Writing: Involving the Senses."
almost 5 years ago, Shelbey Winningham
sep 28 llol
Elizabeth Rogers (a previous Murphy Visiting Fellow in Poetry) has a new book out this week! You can order a copy of "The Tilt Torn Away from the Seasons" here:
almost 5 years ago, Shelbey Winningham
Don't forget to RSVP by noon on Thursday to reserve a free lunch for this week's LLOL! Murphy Scholar David Samuel will be talking about his time volunteering in Greece.
almost 5 years ago, Shelbey Winningham
Samos, Greece LLOL
Join the book group for Aeschylus’ Persians, led by Martin Shedd & Andy Vaught in conjunction with the Hendrix Players' performance directed by Angela Iannone. All are welcome to attend, but please email by 4 pm on Tuesday to reserve a book & volunteer to read!
almost 5 years ago, Shelbey Winningham
Persians Book Group Flyer
RSVP by noon on Thursday for this week's LLOL. Martin Shedd will be leading "Textual Intercourse: The Cultural Specificity of Sexual Terminology and Slurs."
almost 5 years ago, Shelbey Winningham
LLOL Feb. 14